Agi Mishol


Now that death creeps all around

and the pecans are bursting their shells,

I hide within Hebrew.

Nothing will befall me in innocent writing.

Nothing will befall me

if I am absorbed into the letters,

if I don’t go outside the line—

shrunk to a small dot

stuffed inside an O

or into the belly of a C,

a semicolon dripping tears

like a captive.


Beloved holy tongue,

now that everything is in its own time

and everything now is horror,

when the orchard stretches out

and the earth is plowed,

I do only what Rilke says:

let beauty and terror happen to me

without thinking

that this is my end.




Translated by Barbara Mann

About the Author

Agi Mishol is one of the most respected Hebrew poets, winner of the Yehuda Amichai Prize, the Neumann Prize and the Zbigniew Herbert Poetry Prize. Has published 20 books of poetry so far. She taught at Tel Aviv University, the Hebrew University and Ben-Gurion University, and managed the "Helicon" poetry school.